I am a trainee person-centred psychotherapist and counsellor. I practice under the UKCP and am considered and 'advanced trainee'. I have been training for over three years and am currently doing a research based masters, at the Metanoia Institute. I follow the ethical guidelines of both Metanoia and UKCP and am committed to an ethical and anti-discriminatory practice.
I am a queer non-binary man, with a particular interest in working within my community.
I have previously volunteered for Spectra, a peer led service, working as part of their trans counselling team.
I also run a peer support group for trans and non-binary trainee therapists/counsellors across the UK and Ireland. If you are a trainee and interested in joining please email transtraineetherapists@gmail.com
I am also a part of Person-Centred Online and can be found on Pink Therapy and the Person Centred Association's directories.